Thursday, October 9, 2008

I got tagged!

I have been tagged before by Denise but I didnt know what it was. SO now I just pasted this into my blog. Here goes...
1. What is his name? Kyle Evan Tracy

2. Who eats more? Kyle every time!

3. Who said I love you first? Kyle

4. Who is taller? He is. He's 6'3"

5. Who is smarter? Kyle is.

6. Who is more sensitive? Me


8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Kyle does. No matter where we are sleeping (at home, at a hotel) Kyle has to sleep closest to the door. He has some phobia.

9. Who pays the bills? Me, though he makes the money.

10. Who cooks more? I do!

11. Who is more stubborn? Me.

12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Kyle.

13. Who has more siblings? It's a tie. We each have one.

14. Who wears the pants in the family? Me, most of the time

15. What do you like to do together? Eat out, travel, go places.

16. Who eats more sweets? Me, though he does like his chocolate.

17. Guilty Pleasures? Shopping, and travel expenses.

18. How did you meet? College

19. Who proposed? Kyle did.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Fun, fun... I LOVE it! Know that I know you know how to do these tags.....I'll tag ya every time! :)